Supplies to Buy When Bringing Home Backyard Chickens

Three Austra White ChickensStarting the journey of raising backyard chickens is an exciting time in life. But it’s incredibly important to ensure you have the right supplies is crucial for a smooth start. Whether you’re new to chicken keeping or looking to enhance your existing setup, here are essential items that will help you and your feathered friends to get off to a great start:

Essential Equipment

Cardboard Egg Flats and Incubators

If you plan to hatch your own chicks, an incubator is indispensable. It allows you to control the environment in which the eggs hatch, which is crucial for the viability of the chicks. Additionally, you’ll need cardboard egg flats for easy handling and storage of eggs. They come in handy for organizing eggs for daily use or sale.

Reliable Thermometer

Monitoring the temperature within your coop, especially at the ground level beneath your heat lamp, is vital for ensuring the health and comfort of your chickens. A small, accurate thermometer will help you keep conditions just right, avoiding extremes that could hard the chickens at any age.

Educational Resources

Informative Books:

Equipping yourself with knowledge is as important as having the right physical tools. Consider adding these titles to your library:

  • Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens by Gail Damerow: This comprehensive guide covers everything from chicken care basics to advanced breeding information.
  • How to Speak Chicken by Melissa Caughey : Learn to understand and communicate with your chickens to better meet their needs and strengthen your bond.
  • Chicken Games & Puzzles by Patrick Merrell & Helene Hovanec: Engage with your chickens through fun activities that stimulate their minds and encourage natural behaviors.
  • Chicken Coops by Judy Pangman: Get inspired with designs and plans to build the perfect coop to suit any backyard size and style.

Get Your Chickens and Supplies from Chickens for Backyards

Starting your backyard chicken adventure is an enriching endeavor, and having the right supplies from the start can make all the difference. With proper equipment and educational resources, you’ll be well-prepared to provide a safe, stimulating environment for your chickens. Here at Chickens for Backyards, we offer a wide variety of chicken breeds as well as all the supplies and resources you need to get started. Contact us today to learn more!