White Ameraucana

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The Ameraucana is an American domestic breed of chicken developed in the United States in the 1970″s. It derives from Araucana chickens brought from Chile. Ameraucana Chickens are not to be confused with Easter Eggers, as they are a pure breed…

Day Old Female$23.99
Day Old Male$20.39
Day Old Not Sexed$17.99
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The Ameraucana is an American domestic breed of chicken developed in the United States in the 1970″s. It derives from Araucana chickens brought from Chile. Ameraucana Chickens are not to be confused with Easter Eggers, as they are a pure breed and also not to be confused with Araucanas, which are rumpless and have tufts. Ameraucanas always have both beards/muffs. Their pea comb makes them a great bird for colder climates. The breed’s most desirable features are their slate or black legs and the fact that they lay blue-tinted eggs. They are bred to retain the blue-egg gene eggshell color and they have a quiet and calm personality. Average Mature Weight: Rooster 6½ lbs., Hens 5½ lbs.

Live Chick Guarantee

We guarantee your ordered number of birds arrive healthy and true to breed. Please contact us immediately should any losses or variances to your order occur, this guarantee is only for the safe and live delivery of your poultry. Any loss must be reported to Chickens for Backyards within 3 days of receipt for any adjustment to be made. Reshipments are subject to availability and minimum shipping requirements.  If eligible, we will reship only once. Reimbursements are limited to the cost of the birds and will not include shipping charges.

Click here to learn more about shipping baby chicks and Marek’s vaccination

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