Blue Cochin Standard

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Day Old Not Sexed$7.19

The Blue Cochin Standard chicken is a big, fluffy chicken with an easy disposition. Its ready compliance makes it easy to show and popular at exhibition. It was accepted into the American Poultry Association Standard of Perfection in 1965.

Cochins remain calm, even when closely confined. The hens are reliable broodies and excellent mothers.

Cochins are good foragers that do well in cool weather. But because of all their feathers, they dislike hot weather unless they have access to cool, shady places where they can get out of the heat and sun.

This variety is a gorgeous slate blue color. Like other blue chickens, it does not breed true. That means if you breed a pair of Blue Cochins, their offspring won’t all be blue. Some will be a darker blue/black. Others will be splash.

Blue Cochin Standard chickens make wonderful pets. Children love them because, despite their huge size, they are super friendly. Chickens for Backyards also offers the Blue Cochin Bantam, as well as several other Cochin Standard varieties.

 Egg Color Brown  Hardiness Cold
 Egg Size Medium  Broody Excellent
 Production Fair  Hen Weight 8½ lbs
 Personality Docile  Rooster Weight 11 lbs

Live Chick Guarantee

We guarantee your ordered number of birds arrive healthy and true to breed. Please contact us immediately should any losses or variances to your order occur, this guarantee is only for the safe and live delivery of your poultry. Any loss must be reported to Chickens for Backyards within 3 days of receipt for any adjustment to be made. Reshipments are subject to availability and minimum shipping requirements.  If eligible, we will reship only once. Reimbursements are limited to the cost of the birds and will not include shipping charges.

Click here to learn more about shipping baby chicks and Marek’s vaccination


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