If you’ve been to the grocery store recently, you’ve noticed how expensive eggs have become. What used to be one or two dollars for a carton of eggs is now nearly five or six. Why has this happened? And will the prices ever go down? Read on to learn more: What’s causing egg prices to… Read more »
Category: Eggs
How Much Fat Is in Eggs?
January is when many people go on diets. As such, they become very concerned about they’re taking into their body and the fats they eat. If you’re going on a diet, then, you may be wondering if you can still eat those delicious eggs your chickens are laying each morning. While the amount of fat… Read more »
How to Store Eggs in the Refrigerator
In our previous blog post, we talked about the different ways you can store your freshly laid eggs. One of the most popular ways is to store them in the refrigerator. This will keep them good and fresh for up to six months. Nevertheless, there are correct ways to store your eggs in the refrigerator… Read more »
How to Store Freshly Laid Eggs
Part of the joy of having backyard chickens is having fresh eggs. While it’s great to take those eggs and use them that very morning, what do you do if you want to use them at a later date? Here we go through everything you need to know in order to properly store your chickens’… Read more »
The Pros and Cons of Eating Egg Whites
In our last blog post, we explained the secret behind egg yolk color. In that very post, we touched on the nutritional benefits of eating egg yolks. But what about egg whites? There are many people who eat only egg whites and take out the yolk, assuming that this is the healthiest thing to do…. Read more »
The Secret Behind Egg Yolk Color
When you crack open an egg, the first thing you notice is the yolk. But have you ever wondered why some egg yolks are light yellow and others a deep orange? Some people believe it has to do with the breed of the chicken, others with the nutrients in their diet. However, both are wrong…. Read more »
10 Useful Ways to Use Up Eggshells
When you crack an egg, what do you do with the shell? If you’re like most people, you likely throw it out without another thought. But your chickens worked hard to make those shells, so take advantage of it! Eggshells have a variety of uses that can help your chickens and yourself. Here are some… Read more »
What Causes Wrinkly Eggs?
You’re collecting your hens’ eggs for the day when you notice something you’ve never seen before: a wrinkly egg. While not particularly common, wrinkled eggs can occur especially from older layers. Understandably, chicken owners will have plenty of questions about these wrinkly eggs and what causes them. Thankfully, we have answers. Infectious Bronchitis Infectious bronchitis… Read more »
How to Sell Your Backyard Chicken Eggs
There are many rewards to raising backyard chickens. One of those rewards is getting a fresh supply of eggs each day. However, depending on how many chickens you have, you may have too many eggs than you know what to do with. While you have many options in front of you for unloading your extra… Read more »
What Are the Different Chicken Egg Sizes?
When you head to the grocery store, you’ll likely see many varieties of eggs. You’ll see white eggs and brown eggs, cage-free and pasture-raised, and more. Another distinction you’ll notice is the size of the eggs. Chicken eggs can come in many sizes, but the USDA recognizes only six weight classes. Read on to learn… Read more »