Category: Ducks

Tips for Keeping Turkeys and Ducks in the Same Backyard

Peaceful autumn photo taken at the poultry farm in the countryside

The challenge of raising different types of poultry in the same backyard can enrich your home with a variety of birds. But keeping ducks and turkeys together requires some careful planning and management to ensure they can coexist in a peaceful and healthy manner. Here are some tips to help you pull this off: Provide… Read more »

Some Fun Ideas for What to Do with Your Duck Eggs

Brown and white eggs in a pile

If you’re new to duck keeping, you’re in for a treat in so many ways. For example, their eggs are a delightful and versatile addition to any kitchen or craft table. They’re richer and larger than chicken eggs, so they offer a unique opportunity to enhance you’re cooking and creative projects. If you find yourself… Read more »

How to Prepare Your Ducks for the Cold Weather Months

Wild Mallard ducks sitting in lake ice.

As the chill of autumn begins to set in, it’s essential to prepare your backyard ducks for the colder months ahead. These animals are generally hardy, but they do need some special care as the temperatures begin to drop. Here’s how you can ensure your feathered friends stay cozy and healthy all through the winter:… Read more »

What Backyard Chicken Owners Should Know About Raising Waterfowl

A group of ducks together in a backyard

After a few years of keeping and caring for backyard chickens, you may find yourself wanting to branch out and add a few different breeds to the mix. Integrating waterfowl such as ducks and geese with your backyard chickens can enrich your poultry experience, bringing diversity and new dynamics to your flock. This can be… Read more »

How Raising Backyard Ducks is Different than Raising Chickens

Silver Appleyard duck

If you’ve already experienced the joys of raising backyard chickens and are considering adding ducks to your flock, there are some notable differences to be aware of. While ducks share some similarities with chickens, they have unique needs and behaviors that can make caring for them a delightful challenge. Let’s waddle through the main distinctions… Read more »

Why Duck Eggs Might be Perfect for You

fresh eggs in basket

If you’ve ever considered raising backyard ducks, you’ve likely considered what it would be like to have fresh eggs available all the time. Duck eggs, a culinary treasure often overshadowed by chicken eggs, offer a range of benefits that might make them the perfect choice for your dietary and lifestyle needs. Whether you’re a baking… Read more »

Tips for Helping Your Backyard Chickens and Ducks to Coexist

A chicken walks with some chicks and ducks

Blending a flock of chickens and ducks in your backyard can be a delightful endeavor. While these birds have distinct needs and behaviors, with careful planning and understanding, they can coexist in harmony, adding diversity and joy to your backyard. Here are some insights and tips to help you create a peaceful and productive environment… Read more »

The Underrated Benefits of Raising Backyard Ducks

Two ducks walking in a backyard

When you hear about someone raising poultry in their backyard, chickens likely come to mind first. Sure, more people keep backyard chickens, but ducks are an often-underrated alternative that come with their own unique set of benefits. Hardy, low-maintenance, and full of personality, ducks can be a wonderful addition to your life. Let’s take a… Read more »

Everything You Need to Know About Duck Eggs

duck eggs

When many people start a backyard flock, they typically start by raising chickens and producing chicken eggs. However, more and more people are discovering the joys and benefits of raising ducks as well. Ducks not only provide great companionship, but they will also produce plenty of delicious eggs. These eggs are quite different from chicken… Read more »

Raising Ducks vs. Raising Chickens: What’s Right for You?

Raising Ducks vs. Raising Chickens: What’s Right for You?

When you’re starting a backyard flock, you first have to decide which species of bird you wish to raise. Do you want to raise ducks? Or do you want to raise chickens? Both species offer a rewarding experience, and indeed many people raise both! But in the beginning, it’s often best to start with one… Read more »