Consumers are constantly bombarded with labels like “No hormones” and “No additives” on packages of chicken, but what exactly do all those designations mean? The National Chicken Council (NCC), the oldest and largest national organization in the U.S. representing the broiler chicken industry, is working to clear up some of that confusion by issuing new… Read more »

Ask Yourself These Important Questions Before You Buy Chicks
There are a number of good reasons to raise your own flock of chickens. Chickens can provide you and your family with a fresh supply of eggs. They can also be kept as pets. But regardless of why you ultimately decide to raise chickens, you should ask yourself a few questions before you do, just… Read more »

How to Change a Broody Hen’s Behavior
A broody hen is a hen that becomes obsessed with sitting on her eggs until they hatch, even if they’re not fertilized. While this might seem like a positive behavior on the surface, it’s not good if the hen keeps you from collecting unfertilized eggs. Broody hens can become very aggressive if you attempt to… Read more »

Training Young Chicks to Return to Their Roost
During the day, your chickens probably spend most of their time cooling off in the shade or roaming around your property foraging for insects. Chickens aren’t known for their flying abilities, so they tend to stay close to the ground unless they’re forced to a higher perch by the threat of a predator. But your… Read more »

Chickens Laying Soft Eggs? Here are a Few Possible Causes
One of the best parts about raising chickens is gathering the fresh eggs they lay. But every now and then, you might notice that your hens are laying soft eggs, which are also called shell less eggs because—you guessed it!—they don’t have shells on them. Fortunately, you can fix this problem by finding out what’s… Read more »

4 Fun Facts About Eggs
Following Easter, the most egg-centric holiday of the year, this is the perfect time to appreciate eggs for being nutritional powerhouses and culinary staples in cultures all across the globe. That’s why food producers, hatcheries and chefs are all celebrating National Egg Month in May! In honor of our favorite month of the year, we’d… Read more »

How to Break an Egg-Eating Hen’s Bad Habit
As a chicken owner, the last thing you want is for one of your hens to develop a taste for eggs. This typically happens when an egg breaks in a nesting box and a hen finds that it’s full of sweet, delicious yolk. Once a hen discovers that the contents of their eggs taste pretty… Read more »