Understanding Chicken Combs

Understanding Chicken Combs

Chicken combs are one of the most identifiable parts of a chicken. Nearly all chickens have them, but similar to their feathers or eyes, each is a little bit different. Some chicken combs, for example, are bright-red, while others are black; some stick straight up, while others run along the skull. But what, exactly, do… Read more »

Why Are My Chickens Losing Feathers?

Why Are My Chickens Losing Feathers?

You step out into your backyard and you notice feathers all across your lawn. Your immediate reaction is panic. Did a predator come into the coop? Did your chickens have a fight? While the situation may seem scary, it’s not always a reason to panic. There are many reasons why your chickens might be losing… Read more »

What Not to Do with Your Chickens in Winter

What Not to Do with Your Chickens in Winter

If you’re new to raising backyard chickens, you’re bound to make some mistakes. However, as the temperature turns colder, those mistakes can become dangerous for your flock. We’ve talked about what you should do when caring for your chickens in the wintertime, but there are also some things that you shouldn’t do in order to… Read more »

What You Need to Know About Colored Chicken Eggs

What You Need to Know About Colored Chicken Eggs

If you walk into your local grocery store, you’ll notice that most eggs have white-colored shells. However, did you know that there are multiple variations of egg colors? In fact, colored eggs are commonly found in backyard coops. Before you start your collection, there is some vital information to understand: The Science Behind the Color… Read more »

Cage-Free vs. Free-Range Eggs: What's the Difference?

Cage-Free vs. Free-Range Eggs: What’s the Difference?

You’re in the grocery store and you grab a carton of eggs. You look at the label and see the word “cage-free.” Then you look at another carton of eggs and see “free-range.” Both terms appear to mean the same thing, but in fact they’re quite different. They’re also quite misleading, as these terms create… Read more »

Chicken Tufts: What They Are and What You Need to Know

Chicken Tufts: What They Are and What You Need to Know

Believe it or not, not all chickens are the same. Some are hardy, others not; some are best for egg production, others for meat. There are even some chickens that have a genetic abnormality that other species do not. Known as chicken tufts, these are found only in the Araucana breed and their descendants. What… Read more »

4 Reasons Why Your Chicken Stopped Laying Eggs

5 Reasons (And Solutions) for Why Your Chicken Stopped Laying Eggs

One of the joys of owning backyard chickens is having freshly laid eggs on your kitchen table. Yet, there may come a time when one or many of your chickens stop laying eggs. The reasons can be varied, ranging from age to more serious health concerns. Nutrition If your chickens stop laying eggs, then the… Read more »

4 Tips for Keeping Guinea Fowl with Chickens

4 Tips for Keeping Guinea Fowl with Chickens

In the past, people kept to raising chickens. Now, however, domesticating and caring for guinea fowl has become increasingly popular with each coming year. So much so, in fact, that people are now raising their chickens alongside their guinea fowl. While raising two different species is never easy, it can be done if you take… Read more »

How to Keep Rodents Out of Your Chicken Coop

How to Keep Rodents Out of Your Chicken Coop

Whether you live in the city or in the country, your chicken coop can become a magnet for rats and mice. If you don’t take care of the problem, then your chickens could fall prey to diseases and rats could become predatory, killing adult and young chicks for food. In order to prevent this, take… Read more »

How to Take Care of Your Chickens During the Winter

How to Take Care of Your Chickens During the Winter

Wintertime can bring a whole host of challenges, especially if you’re a chicken owner. While some chickens are built to withstand the cold, all chickens will still need some protection. As such, you’ll need to take extra precautions to keep your chickens happy and healthy throughout the tough winter season. Keep them warm This should… Read more »