In their first few weeks of life, baby chicks are unable to control their own body temperature. When they’re raised by hens, then their mothers will work to keep them warm. For backyard flocks, however, chicks are often kept in a brooder which needs to be properly heated by an infra-red heat lamp. The… Read more »

3 Ways to Make Raising Chickens Easier on Your Body
Raising chickens is not easy work. It requires a lot of heavy lifting—literally—that can take its toll on your body. It’s not uncommon for people to wake up with sore muscles or an aching back, but you certainly don’t want this to become a regular occurrence. After all, taking care of yourself is just as… Read more »

Transitioning Chicks from Brooder to Coop: How to Move Young Birds in with Adult Birds
There will come a day when your chicks are ready to leave the nest…or rather, the brooder. Moving your chicks from the brooder to the coop is a significant change, and it’s one that will come with some serious adjustments for you, your chicks, and the rest of your flock. It’s best to make this… Read more »

Biosecurity for Your Backyard Chickens
“Biosecurity” is not a word we throw around very often, but it’s an important concept to understand when you’re raising backyard chickens. It refers to the steps we take to protect humans and animals from infectious diseases. As we have learned from dealing with the coronavirus, viruses can easily travel from animals to humans, and… Read more »

The Pros and Cons of Free Ranging Your Chickens
There are many reasons why people decide on free ranging their chickens. Birds are often happier and healthier, and as a result, they produce more eggs and are less likely to get sick. However, while there are many reasons to free range, there are also just as many reasons not to. Free ranging requires regular… Read more »

What You Should Know About Mother Hens
Mother hens have a lot of responsibility. Once they start laying eggs at about 4-5 months of age, they will spend most of their lives either producing eggs, caring for their chicks, or both. This line of work is nothing to sneeze at, as it takes plenty of energy to raise and protect baby chicks…. Read more »

The Most Common Mistakes to Avoid When Raising Backyard Chickens
When you begin to raise backyard chickens, you’re bound to make a few mistakes. Nevertheless, for the sake of your flock, you should try your best to avoid these mistakes early on. There are many common mistakes that beginners make when raising backyard chickens, and by being familiar with them, you are more able to… Read more »

What Does It Mean When You Find Blood Spots in Eggs?
When you first start raising chickens, you may notice that the eggs you receive from your hens aren’t quite as uniform as the ones you’re used to buying in a grocery store. That’s because commercially-sold eggs are inspected and sorted before they’re shipped to ensure all the eggs in a carton appear roughly the same…. Read more »

4 Factors that Impact Chicken Life Expectancy
Under normal conditions, a chicken’s life expectancy is about 8 years. However, there are a whole host of factors that can impact how long your chickens will live. While predators and diseases are obvious factors, there are other, less obvious factors, that can determine the length of your chicken’s life. Here are just a few: … Read more »

Chicken-Friendly Plants to Feed to Your Flock
Does it feel like your chickens are always looking for something to eat? That’s because they almost always are. If your chickens aren’t chowing down on feed in their coop, they’re probably out foraging for plants and insects to snack on in your yard. One way to keep your chickens happy and healthy is by… Read more »