Chicken Feathers

Chicken Feathers: Everything You Need to Know

Chickens have many distinguishable features, and among those are their plumes of feathers. These feathers aren’t just for looks; they also provide chickens with protection from the elements and help them fly, to name a few reasons. Understanding how your chickens’ feathers work can help you better take care of them. Read on to learn… Read more »

Tips for Introducing New Hens to an Existing Flock

Tips for Introducing New Hens to an Existing Flock

Adding new hens to your existing flock can be an exciting yet challenging endeavor. That’s because while you’re busy diversifying your pre-existing crew, other hens will expect to maintain their coveted spots in the pecking order. So, what’s a devoted chicken owner to do? Abide by the following steps from Chickens for Backyards, and your… Read more »

Helpful Guidelines for Brooding Chicks

Helpful Guidelines for Brooding Chicks

Raising chicks from the moment they’re welcomed into the world can be an incredibly rewarding experience. It can be a lot of fun to see baby chicks hatch and mature into full-grown chickens. During their first three to eight weeks of life, baby chicks need to go through a brooding period during which they’ll need… Read more »

A Guide to Buying Poultry Netting

A Guide to Buying Poultry Netting

No matter the size of your flock, poultry netting is always a must. It helps keep your chickens safe by keeping them in your backyard and keeping predators out. However, finding the right kind of poultry netting can be tricky. You don’t want a kind that your chickens or predators will chew through. You also… Read more »

How to Store Your Chicken Feed

How to Store Your Chicken Feed

Storing chicken feed isn’t something that a lot of chicken owners put much thought into, but it matters more than you think. By not properly storing your feed, it can grow stale or moldy, and it can even be eaten by rodents or predators. In order for your chickens to be happy and healthy, they… Read more »

Different Types of Animals that Can Coexist with Chickens

Different Types of Animals that Can Coexist with Chickens

When you start raising a backyard flock, you may begin exploring the idea of raising other types of animals as well. If you have ample backyard space, this can be a real possibility. But you want to make sure that your new animals will coexist with your chickens. Below we list out some of the… Read more »

Chicken Molting: How to Prepare for When Your Chickens Start to Molt

Chicken Molting: How to Prepare for When Your Chickens Start to Molt

The life of a backyard chicken owner means always thinking a few steps ahead. While we may still be in the midst of summer, we also have to start thinking about the upcoming season–fall. Autumn is a time for pumpkins, falling leaves, and Thanksgiving dinners. It’s also the time for chickens to start molting. Every… Read more »

Silver Laced Wyandotte Chickens

Everything You Need to Know About Roosters

Female chickens, often referred to as hens, play an important role in the growth and development of their baby chicks. But they don’t do it alone! Male chickens, which are called roosters, also take on a lot of responsibility. From protecting the hens to seeking out food for others, male chickens play a prominent role… Read more »

Raising Ducks vs. Raising Chickens: What’s Right for You?

Raising Ducks vs. Raising Chickens: What’s Right for You?

When you’re starting a backyard flock, you first have to decide which species of bird you wish to raise. Do you want to raise ducks? Or do you want to raise chickens? Both species offer a rewarding experience, and indeed many people raise both! But in the beginning, it’s often best to start with one… Read more »

The Different Types of Chicken Breeds

The Different Types of Chicken Breeds

Once you’ve decided to start a backyard flock, you need to figure out what types of chickens you want to raise. Indeed, there is more than one type of chicken. In fact, there are hundreds of breeds you could choose from, but many of them can be classified into three categories: egg layers, meat producers,… Read more »