Close-up of legs of toddler girl with colorful stockings and shoes and basket with colored eggs. Child having fun with traditional Easter eggs hunt, outdoors. Unrecognizable face, no face

Fun Easter Egg Hunt Ideas for Backyard Chicken Owners

Easter is a wonderful time of year for families, especially those who keep backyard chickens. This holiday offers a perfect opportunity to incorporate home-laid eggs into traditional Easter egg hunts, adding a unique twist that only backyard chicken owners can enjoy. Here are some creative ideas that will make your Easter egg hunt extra special… Read more »

Peaceful autumn photo taken at the poultry farm in the countryside

Tips for Keeping Turkeys and Ducks in the Same Backyard

The challenge of raising different types of poultry in the same backyard can enrich your home with a variety of birds. But keeping ducks and turkeys together requires some careful planning and management to ensure they can coexist in a peaceful and healthy manner. Here are some tips to help you pull this off: Provide… Read more »

Chicken entering a coop

Spring Cleaning for Your Chicken Coop

We’re only a few weeks out from the beginning of spring. And with the change of the season comes spring cleaning. For backyard chicken owners, the coop should very much be a part of that process each year. Refreshing your coop not only keeps your chickens healthy and happy, but also ensures that your backyard… Read more »

Three Austra White Chickens

Supplies to Buy When Bringing Home Backyard Chickens

Starting the journey of raising backyard chickens is an exciting time in life. But it’s incredibly important to ensure you have the right supplies is crucial for a smooth start. Whether you’re new to chicken keeping or looking to enhance your existing setup, here are essential items that will help you and your feathered friends… Read more »

Woman takes care of chickens

Backyard Chickens: More Than Just Cheap Eggs

With the recent news about egg prices skyrocketing, you may have considered bringing home backyard chickens just for the consistent, fresh eggs they lay. If you’ve been seriously weighing that option, you should know these birds offer so much more than a steady supply of eggs. Backyard chickens can enrich your life and your garden… Read more »

Funny girl with pigtails carries a bucket of water to give chickens and a rooster to drink in the backyard on a hot day

How Helping Raise Backyard Chickens Benefits Kids

Involving children in the care of backyard chickens provides them with a fun activity while also offering numerous benefits that contribute to their development and well-being. The advantages they gain from learning to responsibly care for an animal are significant. Here’s why encouraging your children to help with backyard chickens is a valuable experience: Teaches… Read more »

Two guinea fowl

How Guinea Fowl Eggs are Similar to and Different from Chicken Eggs

So, you’re exploring the idea of diversifying your backyard poultry. You’re likely curious about the differences and similarities between guinea fowl eggs and chicken eggs. Both types are nutritious and can be used in similar culinary applications, but they also have distinct characteristics that might influence your decision to raise one bird over the other…. Read more »

Eggs in a carton

Why Egg Prices are Set to Stay High in 2025

If you’re like most people, you’ve likely noticed that the cost of eggs remains unusually high. Several factors have contributed to this sustained increase in prices, which has affected everyone from casual shoppers to professional bakers. Understanding these factors can help you navigate the situation. Here’s what you should know: Supply Chain Disruptions The egg… Read more »

Two kids with a baby chicken

What Traits Do Good Backyard Chicken Owners Have?

Owning backyard chickens is a rewarding experience that also comes with its share of responsibilities. Just like any other pet, chickens require care, attention, and a conducive environment to thrive. If you’re considering joining the growing community of backyard chicken owners or are looking to improve as a poultry keeper, there are a few things… Read more »

A flock of chickens is moving around the pens. Concept farming.

Chicken Coop Cleaning Tips

As a backyard chicken owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure your chickens have a safe and healthy environment to live in. Keeping a clean coop is an essential aspect of this responsibility, as it has a major impact on the health and happiness of your chickens. Regular cleaning and maintenance can prevent pests, reduce the… Read more »