Do You Have to Worry About Your Backyard Chickens During Heavy Rain?

The Rhode Island red hen is stay in asia farm gardenNo matter where you live, chances are you’re going to have to deal with heavy rain at some point. And if you’re a backyard chicken owner, this might cause you some level of panic. You shouldn’t worry too much – chickens can manage in all kinds of weather conditions. There are a few potential minor issues that may require you’re attention. Here are a few things to know:

Protecting Your Flock from the Elements

While this may be obvious, it should be stated that the first line of defense against heavy rain is a well-constructed and waterproof coop. Make sure that the coop doesn’t have leaks and offers enough space for all your chickens to shelter comfortably. It should be elevated off the ground to prevent flooding and dampness, which can lead to respiratory issues and foot rot.

Managing the Coop Environment

It’s important to ensure that the inside of the coop remains as dry and well-ventilated as possible during heavy rainfall. Consider using absorbent bedding such as pine shavings and change is regularly to prevent moisture buildup. Ventilation will help circulate the air and reduce humidity, while making sure vents are position to prevent rain from entering.

Preventing Health Issues

Wet conditions can, in some cases, lead to health issues including cold stress and bacterial infections. Keep an eye on your flock for any signs of illness, which include lethargy, ruffled feathers, and a lack of appetite. If the temperature is cold while raining, you need addition heat sources to keep your chicken warm.

Chickens are hardy creatures, but heavy rain requires a few extra precautions to keep them dry, warm, and healthy. And if you’re thinking about starting your own backyard flock, Chickens for Backyards is here to help. We offer a wide variety of chicken breeds and essential supplies, providing everything you need to keep your chickens happy and healthy in any weather.  Contact us to get started today!