4 Factors that Impact Chicken Life Expectancy

Under normal conditions, a chicken’s life expectancy is about 8 years. However, there are a whole host of factors that can impact how long your chickens will live. While predators and diseases are obvious factors, there are other, less obvious factors, that can determine the length of your chicken’s life. Here are just a few: 

Living conditions 4 Factors that Impact Chicken Life Expectancy

If your chickens live in filth and squalor, then diseases will be rampant among your flock. It will also cause them stress, which can shorten the lifespan of any species, even humans. Check to make sure that your chickens’ coop is warm, comfortable, and dry, and that it is regularly cleaned. You should also ensure that the area outside of your coop is well-looked after as well, as your chickens will naturally be spending a lot of time outside, too. 

Diet and nutrition 

A poor diet makes for a poor life. On the one hand, eating too little can cause your chickens to starve and to become more susceptible to diseases. On the other hand, eating too much can cause heart problems and leg or back issues. You need to find a careful balance of food and nutrients in order to keep your chickens happy and healthy. 

Vet care 

We humans are always told how important it is to go for our annual check-up, and the same can be said of chickens. When injuries or diseases occur in your flock, it’s best to take the affected chickens to the vet instead of trying to handle it yourself. 


Finally, sometimes it all just comes down to our genes. Different breeds of chickens will have different lifespans. For instance, breeds that have been excessively interbred will have a lower lifespan than those that have not. If you’re looking for chickens who will last you a number of years, then consider Wyandottes or Easter Eggers. 

To learn more about how you can extend the life expectancy of your chickens, read through our blog, or contact us at Chickens for Backyards today.